Showing posts with label tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tips. Show all posts

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Tips to maintain the muscles

Hi there,so you're the muscular guy who don't want to lose his muscles,right?. OK, now lets get started.many things are involved if you're trying to maintain the muscles you've built,just like it is with wealth you've built/archived.this is going to be easy and hard at the same will be easy because all you need to do is work to keep the fat off and it'll be hard because the work might interfere with your daily maintain the muscles require attention as in the case of building it.many think because they've built it successfully means they need not do too much work to keep it,but that is not whole-fully true because even if you don't workout as often as you do when building muscle, you work out harder than you do when building it.there are but few things to do to keep your precious muscle.below are ways to maintain the muscles.

1.Work- This is the best way to maintain your helps to keep them alive and in can work your muscles by using them very often to do things that require them being stressed and stretched to boost fat loss.the amount of stress applied on the muscles should be equal to the amount of stretching stress the muscles when you use them for things that require them to be contracted and thickened like pulling,pushing,dragging,walking e.t.c,and you stretch the muscles when you use them for things that makes them extremely lengthened and shoulder lifts stretching of the body,banana jump. e.t.c.

Monday, 22 July 2013

Five Major Tips To Good Health

There are five major areas to consider if you wish to live a healthy life:
  1. The Heart:the heart is the major functional part of the body. as we all know, it works to keep us alive, so we must ensure to keep it safe. the heart unlike other organs of the body, requires special treatment and attention and its rate is the main factor to be considered in the issue of fat loss. most things on our every day life is traced down to our heart for support and energy, things like running, dancing, walking and other energy required activities. when you develop a problem of the heart, that's  when you start doing less of these things because the heart can no longer back up these activities and you'd be prone to other diseases.
                             Ways To Keep The Heart Going  
there are a few tips to keep the heart in a good state, and these include:
  • Think Less:we all know that thinking a lot is not advisable for health. always try not to think unnecessarily or do anything of such. if you're being troubled by anything, just take a deep breath and relax or take a juice drink and lie down and try to stay around friends as much as possible.
  • avoid getting angry:if you're that kind of person that flares up so easily then you really need to change your approach to issues to avoid quick rise of temper. anger is one of the major problems that leads to heart disorders. little things get you angry to the point that you start yelling at the  top of your voice. it is not proper to keep up with such character, especially when you're growing older e.g 40yrs and above. anger is very risky to your health in general and your heart in particular. there are many things you should overlook or if it needs your attention, you should speak in a soft tone even when its annoying. try all your best not to get angry by any means. always be easy.

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Tips To Prevent Diabetes

Now, we all know the general advice physicians give when it comes to preventing diabetes, and that is to eat as less as possible foods containing sugar. but what if i told you it takes more than that to secure your position as non-diabetic. well i wouldn't just go straight to the answer, i,d like you to know a little bit more about diabetes.
                                        What Is Diabetes
Diabetes is a group of metabolic disease in which the person has high blood sugar mostly as a result of the pancreas's inability to produce enough insulin needed by the (fat) body or rarely because the(not fat) body cells do not respond correctly to insulin.

Tips To Maintain A Good Eyesight

Hello there, wondering what to do to keep your eye safe and sound?now this one is for you.follow the tips below to maintain a good eyesight.
  1. avoid looking dim light for long
  2. avoid staring at the sun
  3. try to stay as far away from your t.v when viewing it.
  4. avoid cleaning your eyes with your palm.
  5. eat fruits and vegetables rich in in vitamin A, e.g onion.                                                             
  6. always wash your eyes with clean water every morning.
  7. try to shed tears at least once a week.
am gonna leave just this with you for now.