Showing posts with label muscles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label muscles. Show all posts

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Tips to maintain the muscles

Hi there,so you're the muscular guy who don't want to lose his muscles,right?. OK, now lets get started.many things are involved if you're trying to maintain the muscles you've built,just like it is with wealth you've built/archived.this is going to be easy and hard at the same will be easy because all you need to do is work to keep the fat off and it'll be hard because the work might interfere with your daily maintain the muscles require attention as in the case of building it.many think because they've built it successfully means they need not do too much work to keep it,but that is not whole-fully true because even if you don't workout as often as you do when building muscle, you work out harder than you do when building it.there are but few things to do to keep your precious muscle.below are ways to maintain the muscles.

1.Work- This is the best way to maintain your helps to keep them alive and in can work your muscles by using them very often to do things that require them being stressed and stretched to boost fat loss.the amount of stress applied on the muscles should be equal to the amount of stretching stress the muscles when you use them for things that require them to be contracted and thickened like pulling,pushing,dragging,walking e.t.c,and you stretch the muscles when you use them for things that makes them extremely lengthened and shoulder lifts stretching of the body,banana jump. e.t.c.

Monday, 22 July 2013

How To Make The Triceps Bigger

this is one of the things that most guys have put on their 'impossible' list due to the many workouts and tips by many fitness sites that end up being not too effective or  not working at all.but am here to tell you now that there is a tested and trusted, specially designed workout that you can do at home to make your triceps bigger,stronger and lose fat around it.but first lets see how the triceps work.

                                                  What are the triceps
  these are the muscles responsible for pushing of objects and they are found at the bottom of the upper part of the arm.many people including myself believe these muscles to be responsible for the look of body-hug t-shirts on muscular guys and its more easier to train than the biceps.

                                              Workouts for the triceps
these are the tested and trusted home workouts to make the triceps bigger:

1.Push up: this,as far as am concerned is the most reliable home workout for a big triceps because it carries the whole body if an 80kg guy accomplishes 3 sets,of 15 reps each of push ups,then he has pushed about 3600kg with his triceps.but this counts for nothing

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Ways To Cut Down Belly Fat After Child Birth Without Too Much Exercise

first off, you need to understand why the belly tends to be fatty after child far on my research i was able to find out the 2 main reasons for belly fat after child birth.
  1. disorganization of the belly muscles due to protrusion of the belly during pregnancy.
  2. the disorganized muscles turn to fat in a few months.
lets do some explanation here
  1. disorganization of the belly muscles:this happens during the 3rd to 5th month of pregnancy when the belly muscles are stretched to their limits thereby leading to the breakage and disorganization of the muscles,(remember muscles are like elastics).
  2. muscles turning to fat:after the first stage, the disorganized muscles tend to adhere to the old saying(united we stand, divided we fall). with all that said, its time to take us to the main event.
                                      Ways To Cut Down Belly Fat