Showing posts with label health.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health.. Show all posts

Friday, 6 September 2013

Habits that improves the human health

improve  human  health
The habits of any individual on earth is of a very great concern and importance to both the individual's health and many health organizations worldwide. Developed countries around the world spend millions of dollars annually on healthcare and other health related services. there are many factors that are capable of causing great harm to the general health of individuals and some of these factors have been attempted to be put under control by health organizations around the world but they always draw a blank. over the years, healthcare and health products have become very expensive around the world world, but especially in the US and this have attracted great criticism from the masses but people seem not to understand that it takes time, work, research and lots of money before one drug is made but the main reason why drugs are very high in price is because some pharmaceuticals were the first to blaze a trail in certain fields and hence they want to taste blood(get early success). this and many other reasons have made people to look for tips and ways to improve their health and that's the main reason for this post, below are great tips that are big breaking(good)for health.
1.Daily exercise
2.Healthy Dieting
3.Drinking adequate amounts of water.
4.Eating foods that are rich in dietary fiber.

*Daily exercise: this has been one of the major and most reliable ways to improve the general health of any human being. but in recent times, people have started to use this medium for body building and not to maintain their health. great exercises such as wrist twist, jogging, running, side bends e.t.c have been neglected/replaced by not so important exercises such as sit up,crunch e.t.c. I'd advice individuals to concentrate on exercises that enhances the body's general performance which in turn will increase the general health of the body.

*Healthy Dieting: this is one of the major keys to a good health that many people have been approaching from the wrong side. Healthy dieting does not mean restricting yourself from certain food or skipping meals, but when i say healthy dieting, i mean making sure that all your meals contain a healthy amount of the six classes of food. in order to maintain a good health, you should always make sure that your meals contain an adequate amount of the six classes of food.

*Drinking Adequate Amounts Of Water: water is one of the major nutrients needed by the body on a daily basis. people that are fat should try to drink as much water as possible because fat people generally have low amounts of water in their body and that is not good for health at all, drinking water always will help to regulate the body temperature and also prevent dehydration from occurring.

*Eating Foods That Are Rich In Dietary Fiber: this is not something of the fresh but is such a great point that this post may not be complete without it. dietary fiber plays a very important role in the body. the main reason why dietary fiber is important in meals is because it is very hard to digest and so it costs the body more calories to digest than any other sort of food. so always try to make sure that your meals contain a healthy amount of dietary fiber.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Fitness And Health

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First,I'll start by defining the word fitness. Fitness unlike most people think is not about having a six pack ab or getting as slim as possible by involving in fat loss workouts or by going for fat loss surgeries, rather fitness is a state of being physically healthy by having more muscles than body fat which is brought about by regular exercise,dieting and taking of fat loss diets(depending on body type).
                         HOW TO ACHIEVE FITNESS
To achieve fitness, you must know whats good for your body. most people don't seem to know whats good for their body for natural fat loss and hence lead to their fitness and that which is good for your body for effective fat loss is usually decided by the body type. now lets take a look at the body types.

  1. fat
  2. skinny(thin)
  3. slim
  4. big             
*The fat: these are the group of people that have excess glycogen stored beneath/in their skin and need a lot of fat loss workouts and fat loss diets to get back in shape. fat loss and fitness should be a priority for humans. The cause of being fat is the intake of more calories than needed by the body which can be very harmful to the body's fitness. take a deep observation and you'll find out that most fat people have eating disorders. they seem not to be in control of what to, how to and when to eat. Almost all "the fat ones" are addicted to chocolate, cakes, sweets e.t.c. In most countries, "the fat ones" are treated as though they are not humans because being fat attracts teasing, bullying, assault e.t.c, that is why over 80% of fat people are not happy. if there is one thing a fat person prays for everyday is to lose fat fast and get slim.I'd seen on many fitness websites where they administer the same fitness program for other body types to the fat, some even give the same fitness program  to all body types which is not the right thing to do.below are some tips for "the fat ones" to achieve fitness.

Saturday, 31 August 2013

Drug abuse and dangers

This is one major problem that has not been properly addressed and looked into, drug misuse is not about taking of hard drugs like cocaine, heroin and others, though all this drugs are harmful also. but the one on our discussion table is the popular drug misuse whereby a person is under self prescription, taking over dose of drugs, constant using of drugs for one sort of assistance and more. and in a case whereby drugs are over used it can lead to addiction and trying to break free from addiction can be nearly impossible and sometimes expensive. drugs over used that can lead to addiction are mostly drugs for appetite, drugs for sleep, weight loss or gain weight drugs, most people can't eat without taking an appetite giving drug and they do that often. for the aspect of sleep, there are drugs to make you sleep or keep you awake, both can be deadly to the health and can lead to other health problems. in other words, drug addiction is a deadly practice and it happen to be through constant use of drugs which is also known as drug misuse. below are some other drugs that are misused.

 4.Drugs for fat
 5.Weight loss drugs

1.Tranquilizers - This is a drug helps to relax the body in times of tension, anxiety, fear e.t.c. a person using such drug will not know when he/she will be addicted to it, I'll advice everyone using this drug not to always keep a large quantity at home because when little things comes up you'll rush to such drug for relief by so doing you're getting addicted to the drug gradually. relaxing can be done naturally by the use of water or any non-alcoholic liquid.