Monday 12 August 2013

6 Habits That Can Lead To Health Disorder

Good day, i find this post interesting because we as humans, there are some things we do in our everyday life that we don't even know is very harmful to our health. I'll discus about the little i know and the ones gotten from the numerous research that I've done. like the popular saying goes "health is wealth". most times we cut short our life span through the constant practice of one irrelevant habit or another. below are some things we do in our every day life that can cause damage to our health:

3.Eating without exercise
4.Drug abuse
5.Excess intercourse
6.Constant consumption of a class of food.

1.Smoking:smoking is the intake of acidic air from cigarette that goes directly to the lungs which will later go to the blood stream. a large number of the people living on earth are smokers, both male and female. most of them are lads that know little or nothing about the dangers of smoking. like i said earlier on, smoking is a life span reducer. cigarette is a product that is hardly advertised and most makers of cigarette always give a warning against smoking, this is to tell you how dangerous and unhealthy smoking is. most diseases have their roots traced down to smoking, like heart attack, cancer of the lungs e.t.c.

2.Alcohol:  taking of alcohol once in a while in little quantities can be a little safe but when it is taken regularly in large amounts, it can be very dangerous and hence become a serious problem. if you're that type that can drink up a truck load of alcoholic wine or rum, then you need to drop such habit, if the need arise then you should just take a little (don't take at all if you can). alcohol just like any other bad habit has a way of breaking down the pillars of good health. the more you take, the more you get addicted to it and when you get addicted to alcohol that's the beginning of the end of good health for you.

3.Eating without exercise:  exercise is as important as we all know, regular exercise helps to burn excess fat stored beneath the skin. excess fat can lead to overweight which is one of the major causes of heart attack. technology have made regular exercise easy because there are machines now available to aid regular exercise which means you can do any form of exercise in your house. for those who can't afford them, there are exercises you can perform without the use of these fitness equipments. the primary reason for regular exercise is to cut down the level of fat stored under the skin. all this said, i think eating should be accompanied by regular exercise. I'd rather not eat than eat without exercising.

4.drug abuse: i consider this as one of the most common bad habit in the world. drug abuse is not just the use of hard drugs like cocaine, marijuana, cannabis, heroin e.t.c. drug abuse is also a process whereby a person takes drugs without prescription by a physician ,over dose of drug is swallowed or it is taken at the wrong time. this happens most times out of ignorance. most people will say " i take drugs for this ailment because am familiar with the symptoms". different ailments can come with similar symptoms, this is why it is always important to see a physician when ever you get any sign of illness. the second part of drug abuse is the use of hard drugs stated above. the use of hard drugs can affect a person mentally and emotionally, it can also lead to some kind of brain disorders. i enjoin indulgers to desist from such catastrophic act so as to regain their mental balance.

5. Excess intercourse: we all know that doing anything in excess is very dangerous, but in the case of intercourse, it could be more dangerous than people actually think it is. there are many deadly effects that excess intercourse has on the body involved in it. excess intercourse mostly affects men so am going to stick to the men. the main effect that it has on a man is infertility, now i know some of you might be thinking "how is this possible?",excess intercourse makes the body ejaculate more semen than it(the body) has the ability to produce in a given time frame. it takes the body about three to four days for semen made by the body to get fully mature for ejaculation, so in a case where a man gets 'involved' and only leaves an interval of 10-12hrs before another 'involvement', the semen made by the body is not allowed to get fully mature and that could be very dangerous because the body might get used to that system and hence just be producing semen and doing nothing to make it mature.

6. Constant consumption of a class of food: this has to do with the continuous consumption of one class of meal in different forms. like in the morning you eat rice, in the afternoon you eat noodles and in the evening you eat potato, all are carbohydrates. constant consumption of a class of food can lead to malnutrition. the best way to avoid malnutrition is to always eat different classes of food in a day to maintain a strong and healthy body.  


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